New Science Meets Holistic Health

At New Dawn Holistic Health, we help our perfect client get the result they want by combining systems and expert coaching services.

Dawn Omalza

New Dawn Holistic Health

About Me

Who I Am & How I Help

Dawn brings a unique blend of Human Resources experience and holistic health concepts to offer a fresh perspective on corporate wellness. Her approach focuses on holistic health education on the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Domains of Resilience. She advocates New Science concepts and revolutionary digital tools to improve lifestyle habits.

What inspired Dawn to shift from a career in Human Resources to Holistic Health?

As a single mom her desire to be independent and build a solid foundation for her family drove her to focus on her career success. The obstacles she encountered on her journey hardly seemed like challenges at all because at that time she was clear on what her life purpose was, which was to survive and give her children a stable life. Through this inevitable journey, Dawn struggled with wanting to be in control of every aspect of her life, which meant she rarely asked for help and did not make the time for routine self-care.

After 20 years of having a successful career in Human Resources, Dawn’s spirit began to diminish from juggling her day-to-day responsibilities and working extremely long hours/days. There were too many days when she felt so depleted that she knew she did not like the person she was becoming. In addition to dealing with her struggles in her personal life, she often felt frustrated with the dark side of being in Human Resources and being exposed to seeing EVERYTHING that goes on in an organization. Her heart hurt when she saw employees were treated unfairly, judged, or not given the compassion and emotional support needed during natural life events. She would often lend an ear for the employees to simply “vent” and offer coping skills and advice on managing their emotions best. But would reminded that her role was not to be a counselor. At that time she recognized that there was a misconception between performance coaching and employers creating a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive community. She struggled with this so much, this eventually led to her downward spiral of stress, burnout, and poor health.

In an impulsive moment of life change, she took a break from her career in Human Resources and began to explore all POSSIBILITIES to achieve a purposeful, joyous, and healthy life. This is when she discovered Quantum University which sparked her interest in New Science concepts of a person’s ability to Self-Heal.

These valuable insights into holistic health are an expansion of her passion for human well-being. It represents a paradigm shift from fostering healthy organizational cultures to promoting individual health and resilience, bridging the gap between corporate wellness and personal health.

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7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Holistic Employee Wellness Program

July 09, 20242 min read

Developing an employee wellness program as a holistic health coach involves a strategic and comprehensive approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help businesses create an effective wellness program:

1. Assessment and Planning

  • Needs Assessment: Conduct surveys, interviews, and health risk assessments to understand the specific health needs and interests of employees.

  • Set Goals: Define clear, measurable goals for the wellness program, such as reducing absenteeism, increasing employee satisfaction, or improving overall health metrics.

  • Budgeting: Determine the budget for the wellness program, including resources for activities, workshops, and any third-party services.

2. Program Design

  • Holistic Approach: Ensure the program addresses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Include components like nutrition, fitness, stress management, and emotional well-being.

  • Customization: Tailor the program to meet the unique needs of the organization and its employees. Consider offering a variety of activities and services to cater to different preferences.

  • Integration: Integrate the wellness program with existing company policies and culture to ensure seamless implementation and acceptance.

3. Implementation

  • Communication: Launch the program with a strong communication plan. Use newsletters, intranet, emails, and meetings to inform and engage employees.

  • Involvement: Encourage employee involvement by creating wellness committees or ambassadors who can advocate for the program and provide feedback.

  • Regular Activities: Schedule regular wellness activities, such as fitness classes, meditation sessions, nutrition workshops, and health challenges.

4. Education and Resources

  • Workshops and Seminars: Offer educational sessions on topics like stress management, healthy eating, work-life balance, and mindfulness.

  • Health Coaching: Provide access to one-on-one or group coaching sessions with holistic health practitioners.

  • Resources: Make wellness resources readily available, such as online portals, wellness libraries, and self-help tools.

5. Support and Incentives

  • Incentives: Create incentive programs to motivate employees to participate, such as rewards, recognition, or wellness points that can be redeemed for prizes.

  • Support Systems: Establish support systems like peer support groups, mentoring, or buddy systems to foster a sense of community and accountability.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Track Progress: Use metrics and feedback to monitor the program’s progress. Collect data on participation rates, health outcomes, and employee feedback.

  • Adjustments: Regularly review and adjust the program based on the collected data and feedback to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

  • Reporting: Provide regular reports to management on the program’s impact and any areas for improvement.

7. Sustainability and Growth

  • Continuous Improvement: Keep the program dynamic by regularly introducing new activities, workshops, and wellness challenges.

  • Long-term Commitment: Demonstrate the company’s long-term commitment to employee wellness by embedding it into the organizational culture and policies.

  • Expansion: As the program matures, consider expanding it to include family wellness programs, community outreach, or collaboration with other organizations.

By following these steps, holistic health coaches can develop a robust and impactful employee wellness program that promotes overall wellbeing, enhances employee satisfaction, and improves organizational productivity.

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Individual 1:1

Personalized and Comprehensive Health Support

Enhanced Self-Awareness and Empowerment

Improved Emotional and Energy Balance

Workplace Wellness Program

Enhanced Employee Well-being and Productivity

Reduced Healthcare Costs

Improved Workplace Culture and Morale

Frequently Asked Questions

How does working with a holistic health coach differ from seeing a traditional healthcare provider?

Working with a holistic health coach differs from traditional healthcare in several ways:

Personalized Care: Holistic health coaches provide tailored guidance and support based on the unique needs and goals of each individual.

Preventative Focus: The emphasis is on preventive care and maintaining overall wellbeing rather than solely treating specific illnesses or symptoms.

Integrative Practices: Holistic health coaches often incorporate a variety of modalities, such as stress reduction techniques, energy work, and lifestyle coaching, to create a balanced and comprehensive approach to health.

Empowerment and Education: Clients are educated and empowered to take an active role in their health, learning how to make informed decisions and sustainable lifestyle changes.

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What are the benefits of working with a holistic health coach?

Working with a holistic health coach offers numerous benefits, including:

Personalized Support: Clients receive customized plans and one-on-one guidance tailored to their specific needs and goals, ensuring more effective and sustainable outcomes.

Improved Overall Wellbeing: By addressing all aspects of health, clients can achieve a balanced and harmonious state of wellbeing, leading to enhanced physical health, emotional resilience, mental clarity, and spiritual fulfillment.

Long-term Health Improvements: A holistic health coach helps clients develop healthy habits and lifestyle changes that lead to long-term improvements in health and wellbeing, reducing the risk of chronic illnesses and enhancing quality of life.

Emotional and Energy Balance: Techniques to release emotional blocks and improve energy flow can lead to better emotional health, increased vitality, and a greater sense of inner peace and happiness.

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What is a whole-focused approach to wellbeing?

A whole-focused approach to wellbeing emphasizes the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Unlike traditional methods that may address specific symptoms or conditions in isolation, this approach considers the individual as a whole, aiming to balance all aspects of life. This includes nutrition, exercise, stress management, emotional healing, and spiritual practices, ensuring comprehensive support and optimal health.

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